Category: Art

  • Gage Taylor, California Visionary Artist and My Art Master from a World before the Internet

    Gage Taylor, California Visionary Artist and My Art Master from a World before the Internet

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    Tropical Dream has been part of my private art collection for over two decades. I apprenticed as a painter with Gage Taylor for 4 years, served as an USIA Art Ambassador with him for the US State Department, and we collaborated professionally on canvas for many years under the signature Taylor Dana. In his lifetime,…

  • How To Sell An Old Or Valuable Painting

    How To Sell An Old Or Valuable Painting

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    They were once known as the Three D’s of the auction world: Death, Divorce, and Debt. Auction houses have traditionally obtained their best merchandise as a result of these three disasters. Unfortunately, due to the economic times we live in, the Three D’s have evolved. We now have The Five D’s of Auction Houses and…

  • In Art Or Music, Never Fight Your Materials

    In Art Or Music, Never Fight Your Materials

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    A few years ago a 30 year old friend of mine told me he was finally going to buy a guitar and take lessons. He went on to add, “it would just be a cheap one in case he didn’t like it or wasn’t good at it.” As an avid supporter of the arts, I…

  • Art Copyright: Image Protection For Artists In A Land of Digital Thieves

    Art Copyright: Image Protection For Artists In A Land of Digital Thieves

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    How many times have artists been told that our art is protected by copyright as long as we sign it? Perhaps you’ve heard it will be safe if  it is signed with a copyright symbol? A favorite urban myth is that we are legally protected if we send the image by certified mail to ourselves…

  • Art And Auctions: The Battle For The Bronze

    Art And Auctions: The Battle For The Bronze

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    Auction houses are my secret passion. The pull of finding and rescuing a painting in distress lures me. Cleaning decades of grime; removing yellowed varnish; or repairing the puncture wounds of the careless matter to me. I recently rescued a Belgium bronze of the Greek Goddess Ariadne. Like all Goddesses, all she needed was two…

  • Becoming A Professional Artist at Age 27 (And Still Managing a Decades Long Art Career)

    Becoming A Professional Artist at Age 27 (And Still Managing a Decades Long Art Career)

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    A 25-year-old recently asked me if it was too late for him to change his career. I could not believe my ears. By the time I was 27 I had been an Air Force Veteran attached to Engineering and Programs, managed a wholesale furniture showroom, gone back to school at Rudolph Schaeffer School of Design,…

  • Odd Nerdrum And Kitsch Art

    Odd Nerdrum And Kitsch Art

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    On Bluesky and LinkedIn I curate a stream of contemporary figurative painters and the artists that have inspired us. Occasionally I have tagged artists as “Kitsch” on this feed. Just to be clear, I’m not talking about knick-knacks from grandmama’s cottage.  #Kitsch painting is an international movement of classical painters founded upon a 24 September 1998…

  • Does Our Culture Value Celebrity Over Skill, Talent, Or Truth?

    Does Our Culture Value Celebrity Over Skill, Talent, Or Truth?

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    In 2013 two self portraits painted by George W. Bush were discovered on his private computer when it was hacked. They were ridiculed and spread quickly around the internet. Learning to paint or painting as a hobby can be very relaxing and everyone paints awkward work when they start. The problem is, when you are…

  • What’s the Difference Between an Artist, an Artiste, and an Artisan?

    What’s the Difference Between an Artist, an Artiste, and an Artisan?

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    Someone asked me recently what the difference was between an artist, an artiste, and an artisan. It made me wonder how many people may or not know what the difference is? Here is the Dick and Jane version: An artist paints, draws, sculpts, makes a film or is skilled with something involving perception and the use of…

  • What is the Difference Between an Art Dealer, an Art Broker, and an Art Agent?

    What is the Difference Between an Art Dealer, an Art Broker, and an Art Agent?

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    © 2015 Uriél Dana. Recently I posted an article on “Common Sense Rules for finding an Art Agent”. A fellow artist asked me a great question. What is the difference between an art dealer, an art broker, and an art agent?  Perhaps my answer to her would be of interest to more than one person.…
