Tag: art education

  • Art And Auctions: The Battle For The Bronze

    Art And Auctions: The Battle For The Bronze

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    Auction houses are my secret passion. The pull of finding and rescuing a painting in distress lures me. Cleaning decades of grime; removing yellowed varnish; or repairing the puncture wounds of the careless matter to me. I recently rescued a Belgium bronze of the Greek Goddess Ariadne. Like all Goddesses, all she needed was two…

  • Becoming A Professional Artist at Age 27 (And Still Managing a Decades Long Art Career)

    Becoming A Professional Artist at Age 27 (And Still Managing a Decades Long Art Career)

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    A 25-year-old recently asked me if it was too late for him to change his career. I could not believe my ears. By the time I was 27 I had been an Air Force Veteran attached to Engineering and Programs, managed a wholesale furniture showroom, gone back to school at Rudolph Schaeffer School of Design,…

  • Does Our Culture Value Celebrity Over Skill, Talent, Or Truth?

    Does Our Culture Value Celebrity Over Skill, Talent, Or Truth?

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    In 2013 two self portraits painted by George W. Bush were discovered on his private computer when it was hacked. They were ridiculed and spread quickly around the internet. Learning to paint or painting as a hobby can be very relaxing and everyone paints awkward work when they start. The problem is, when you are…

  • What’s the Difference Between an Artist, an Artiste, and an Artisan?

    What’s the Difference Between an Artist, an Artiste, and an Artisan?

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    Someone asked me recently what the difference was between an artist, an artiste, and an artisan. It made me wonder how many people may or not know what the difference is? Here is the Dick and Jane version: An artist paints, draws, sculpts, makes a film or is skilled with something involving perception and the use of…

  • What is the Difference Between an Art Dealer, an Art Broker, and an Art Agent?

    What is the Difference Between an Art Dealer, an Art Broker, and an Art Agent?

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    © 2015 Uriél Dana. Recently I posted an article on “Common Sense Rules for finding an Art Agent”. A fellow artist asked me a great question. What is the difference between an art dealer, an art broker, and an art agent?  Perhaps my answer to her would be of interest to more than one person.…

  • Women In the Arts: Drawing New Boundaries

    Women In the Arts: Drawing New Boundaries

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    © Uriél Dana 2017 When I began my painting career artists did not have the luxury of the Internet. We sent slides to galleries and publishers, waiting weeks for our precious and expensive images to be returned in our self addressed and stamped return envelopes. Women artists were not welcomed as they are today. Luckily,…

  • Discrimination of Women In the Arts

    Discrimination of Women In the Arts

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    In the arts, discrimination continues to be a major issue. Here are some stats from Guerrilla Girls West, the conscience of the art world. 90% of Art Models are Women. 65% of Art Students are Women. 20% of Art Faculty are Women. Nearly half (45%) of all professional artists are Women. In “blind” art competitions…

  • How To Sign A Fine Art Print

    How To Sign A Fine Art Print

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    Fine art prints are created in editions as small as 10 and up to 250. (Sometimes you will see a higher number but serious print collectors rarely will buy an edition over this number). This will read as 1/100, 2/100, 3/100 etc. All prints are signed “in pencil” at the bottom of each print. Your…

  • The Marriage of Art & the Erotic: Together Again

    The Marriage of Art & the Erotic: Together Again

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    ©2017 Uriél Dana When an artist stops painting, it does not mean they’ve stopped making art. It usually just means they’ve said all the can say on a particular subject. Life can strike us with an experience and a new series of work can be birthed to the world in an instant. Painting a series…

  • Making Money As An Artist: To Have Talent Once Meant You Were Wealthy

    Making Money As An Artist: To Have Talent Once Meant You Were Wealthy

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    Did you know the original word for money was talent? In Classical Latin, talents referred to “balance, weight; a sum of money. In Medieval Latin, talent referred not only to money, but had also come to mean having a special natural ability, aptitude, or gifts that one was committed to use and would always strive for improvement. The Greek word “talanton” was used to describe anything weighed for balance,…
