Tag: Art

  • Art Copyright: Image Protection For Artists In A Land of Digital Thieves

    Art Copyright: Image Protection For Artists In A Land of Digital Thieves

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    How many times have artists been told that our art is protected by copyright as long as we sign it? Perhaps you’ve heard it will be safe if  it is signed with a copyright symbol? A favorite urban myth is that we are legally protected if we send the image by certified mail to ourselves…

  • Odd Nerdrum And Kitsch Art

    Odd Nerdrum And Kitsch Art

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    On Twitter and LinkedIn I curate a stream of contemporary figurative painters and the artists that have inspired us. Occasionally I have tagged artists as “Kitsch” on this feed. Just to be clear, I’m not talking about knick-knacks from grandmama’s cottage.  #Kitsch painting is an international movement of classical painters founded upon a 24 September 1998…

  • What is the Difference Between an Art Dealer, an Art Broker, and an Art Agent?

    What is the Difference Between an Art Dealer, an Art Broker, and an Art Agent?

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    © 2015 Uriél Dana. Recently I posted an article on “Common Sense Rules for finding an Art Agent”. A fellow artist asked me a great question. What is the difference between an art dealer, an art broker, and an art agent?  Perhaps my answer to her would be of interest to more than one person.…

  • Women In the Arts: Drawing New Boundaries

    Women In the Arts: Drawing New Boundaries

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    © Uriél Dana 2017 When I began my painting career artists did not have the luxury of the Internet. We sent slides to galleries and publishers, waiting weeks for our precious and expensive images to be returned in our self addressed and stamped return envelopes. Women artists were not welcomed as they are today. Luckily,…

  • Art and Buddhism

    Art and Buddhism

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    Tibetan Buddhism was introduced to the West in the 1960’s. It was significant for changing the pattern of keeping mystical knowledge secret. This New American Dharma (a term coined by Llama Surya Das) began making available any knowledge that would help humanity empower itself spiritually. My own introduction to Buddhism began as a child when a sleeping disorder…

  • The Marriage of Art & the Erotic: Together Again

    The Marriage of Art & the Erotic: Together Again

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    ©2017 Uriél Dana When an artist stops painting, it does not mean they’ve stopped making art. It usually just means they’ve said all the can say on a particular subject. Life can strike us with an experience and a new series of work can be birthed to the world in an instant. Painting a series…

  • Artists and Money: Ending the Martyred Stereotype

    Artists and Money: Ending the Martyred Stereotype

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    © Uriél Dana 2015. Did you know that it only became “fashionable” for artists to be poor during the time of the Romantics? The term “suffering for one’s art” was actually coined by an unsuccessful artist in his best-selling book to justify his lack of sales. Ironically, as an author (a different art form) he…

  • Uriél Dana: Fine Artist, Writer, Lecturer

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    This interview was originally published in Narrative Paths Journal here Uriél Dana has been honored for her work as a fine artist, writer, and lecturer for more than three decades. Her oils, gouache, and lost wax bronze work has been shown in 12 countries on 4 continents. She is a former U.S. State Department Ambassador…

  • Interview in Narrative Paths Journal

    Interview in Narrative Paths Journal

    Uriél Danā Avatar

  • Losing Heart

    Losing Heart

    Uriél Danā Avatar

    © Uriél Dana 2015. An artist I know recently threw out years of meticulously produced work. He spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours for an exhibit and no one bought one piece. My heart broke for him because anyone who creates knows how vulnerable that create/share space can be. These are my words…
